Okay, so I do have four (!) kids, but I'm also mommy to two really cool four-legged kiddos, so I thought I'd share a couple of cute pics I took the other day. Gracie is our chocolate lab, the SWEETEST dog on the planet. I say this, and I'm a die-hard cat person, not a dog person. But Gracie is just the greatest dog. We adopted her about a year and a half ago, and she has blended seamlessly into the family. Not a bad dog-habit in her - she doesn't chew or climb on anything. But any ball she finds outside is automatically hers - basketballs are her favorite. She'll play fetch with a tennis ball until she just can't walk anymore. And she's very good at chasing all the elephants and giraffes off of our property. I challenge you to find even a one.

Mozart is my kitty-baby. He's the biggest people-cat I've ever known. He just has to be around one of us, usually me, whenever he can. He purrs constantly. His only fault has been a minor "not using the litter box properly" problem, and, until we had him declawed, he tore up some very expensive furniture. But personality-wise, he's the greatest cat I've ever known. He has recently taken to laying on this couch in the sun; he loves the warmth, but doesn't like the sun in his eyes.