Friday, September 30, 2005

"You are my sunshine....."

A really cool thing happened last night. M again pulled her "I can't go to sleep" routine, but I came in and sat down on her bed and wound up singing her a lullaby. When she was a tiny baby, we had to drive in the car quite a bit to pick up her big brother, E. When she would get fussy, I would sing a song that was really a combination of "I Love You Conrad (insert child's name instead of Conrad): and "You are My Sunshine". She would stay quiet as long as I sang that song...over....and over....and over...and over - sometimes for an hour or so. My voice would HURT. To this day, my kids think Sunshine is their song, that I made up just for them. Whenever they hear it, like on VeggieTales, they say "Mom! They stole your song!".

Last night I literally sang my 6 yr old daughter to sleep. I watched her drift off as I sang it. I got a very precious gift; a glimpse of the baby she used to be.

As much as I marvel at the little people they are turning into, physically, intellectually, and emotionally, it is really neat to be reminded that a simple lullaby can do amazing things. Turn back time, for one.

1 comment:

Francine said...

What a sweet, sweet entry. They grow up SO fast - and yet, they sorta don't..