Monday, April 16, 2007

Prayers for VA Tech

My stepson attends Va Tech, and I spent a lot of time there in college; even though I didn't attend there, my first husband did, and since we dated during our college years, many a weekend was spent on that beautiful campus.

My stepson is fine, but he doesn't yet know who the victims are, and whether he knows any of them.

Please say a prayer for the victims and their families; that they find peace. Such things just shouldn't happen.


Natalie said...

Laura, isn't it just so tragic? My dh is an alum, as is his nephew. It's shocking to have known something intimately like that, and then to see something like this.

Indeed, VA Tech has my prayers. I'm glad your step-son is okay!

karin said...

Laura, i am so thankful that your step-son was physically unharmed in the nightmare .. i hope that his emotional hurt begins to heal.

My thoughts are with you and your family ... and all affected.