Sunday, September 03, 2006

Time is a Subjective Matter

So, a long while ago, I agreed to be a wedding coordinator at my church. I've been to a gazillion weddings as a musician, so I thought maybe this would be something right up my alley. Until now, I haven't been able to do one (it's not like we have a ton of weddings at my church), but about a month ago I said I'd do it for this wedding yesterday. The bride and groom (B&G) are not members of my church, and are both recent immigrants from Congo. No problem; the ceremony was a traditional one, that I am familiar with.


I have come to understand that the concept of time is somewhat, ahem, different in Africa than here in the States. By that I mean that NOTHING, repeat, NOTHING got off on time. The rehearsal Friday night: they arrived an HOUR late. The wedding yesterday: they arrived an HOUR late. WTF?!?!?!?! Never mind how unbelievably RUDE this is to moi and the others involved in the ceremony - what about their guests?! Oh, but here's the kicker - even though they started an hour late, THERE WERE STILL GUESTS ARRIVING AFTER THE WEDDING STARTED!!! This is a cultural weirdness that I just don't understand. When you say you're going to do something at a certain time, do it then. Especially your own wedding, for crikey's sake. And there wasn't a damn thing we could do about it.... we just had to wait around until they arrived, watching our labor day holiday leak away from us.

I don't think I'll be coordinating any weddings anytime soon. I should just stick to playing at them. At least then I get paid if things run overtime.


Francine said...

Oh man, that is *frustrating*.

Dh has Italian family, and to an extent, they are the same way. If you agree to go do something with them at 2, that pretty much means you leave anywhere between 2.30 and 5.


karin said...

lateness, and a disregard for OTHER people's time is one of my greatnes pet peeves. My best friend in childhood is still a dear friend of mine - she WILL be late for her own funeral. There is no doubt in my mind.

It drives me batty, I say, batty!

I am sorry you had to do that, I hope the next one is timely. :O)

Angela said...

That is dh's pet peeve - he HATES waiting on anyone. Most of his family, I must say, are the exact opposite. If I schedule a dinner at 5, then I can expect them to arrive by 4, at the latest... so I've tried to always learn to be ready early - sigh.

What about just "on time" - that's how I am!

Natalie said...

Wow, that's pretty odd, Laura! And it would, indeed, make me crazy. I am often just at the edge of running late - not for big things like that, but for everyday stuff. I usually make it JUST on time - like, barely. Still, I wasn't late for my wedding. :)

Sorry that happened; I hope it's the exception from here on out...

karin said...

hey, I *thought* you had a new resolution on this boggin' thing .....


hope you are well, my friend!