Sunday, January 13, 2008

Okay, they can stay

I think I'm beginning to recover from the holidays. This year, despite my having all my shopping done in plenty of time, was possibly the worst, most stressful holiday ever. I can't really elaborate, but let it suffice to say that anything that actually causes me to LOSE my appetite must not be good. I've taken steps to alleviate that particular stress, although other sources manage to creep in. Getting back to a normal routine helps.

I have decided to let my children stay, although the ice wears thin at times. To be honest, I think they're just being kids; it's me with the problem (see above). I must have been last in line when God handed out the patience allocations. If I'm out of sorts or under pressure, my fuse can be pretty short. I don't react to the kids fighting/whining/nagging/complaining/whatever with much parental grace during these times. Which, of course, only makes them act out more. If I can manage to step back, count to at least 10, and re-evaluate the situation, I'm sure my inner Cliff Huxtable will begin to emerge. I remain jealous of how Cliff and his wife (what was her name?) could diffuse any situation involving the kids with a bit of humor and love.

Clair, that's her name.

Anyway, I'm working on it. With some professional help. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

karin said...

((((hugs)))) Laura - I cannot agree more about the stress of Holidays and the "pomp" that goes with it. I am sorry that you've experienced an even higher level this year, but I am so glad to hear that you are working through this, and with a professional.

Again, (((hugs))) and all the best to you!