Thursday, October 06, 2005

Ho Hum

Nuthin' much to report lately, and that's good. No major excitement on the home front. I tell you, though, the days just whip by.

I often wish I could have a few days by myself, or just me and hubby, in which we don't have to do anything we don' want to. Just sit around, read books, do whatever strikes us. But the truth is, we'd probably be bored out of our minds. We're just too used to a busy life.

One of these days, I'm going to keep a detailed log of everything, and I mean everything I do for a few days. Even though I keep a calendar on my PalmPilot (which I LOVE!), it doesn't show everything I wind up doing, only what I've scheduled. Big difference. I think I'd surprise even myself.

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