Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Laugh Like No Other

Today, while hubby and I were having a conversation, L (our 5 yr old) came in the room, still in his jammies and sort of dramatically threw himself on the floor. Not in a tantrum, or even an unhappy way. He was just being a clown. We started giggling at him, and he let loose with one of his belly-laughs that would charm even the grumpiest of trolls.

I just marvel sometimes at the ability of kids, and L in particular, to laugh the way they do. It's a full body experience that just carries along everyone in the room. You're simply helpless against it; you WILL laugh along with him whether you want to or not. His whole face lights up, and his crooked little smile, with accompanying dimples, sucks you in. You're a goner......

Hubby commented after all this that he wonders if L will remember times like that when he grows up. I sure hope so. More importantly, I hope he NEVER loses that laugh.

1 comment:

Francine said...

:-) I can just hear him, the way you described that. You made me smile.