Why does time fly by so fast?! I swear, it doesn't seem like it was a week ago that I last posted. I had a good week, but I was so busy, it just went screaming past me. I woke up this morning, and the first thought I had was "I don't have anything scheduled today!" (at least nothing that I would consider "work").
Here's what my week looked like:
Monday - practiced 9-10:30, volunteered at school 11-12, went to work 12:30 to 3:30, drive E to tutoring at 6, went back to pick him up at 7, dropped him at home and went to a flute choir rehearsal 7:30-9.
Tuesday - practiced in the morning, went to work after lunch, dentist w/ L at 5 (one tiny cavity to be filled next week - bummer), then rehearsal for the student flute choir I conduct from 7 -8.
Wednesday - flute quartet rehearsal 10-12, work from 12:30 to 2:15, to a student's house to give a lesson 2:30-3:15, thankfully M's soccer practice was cancelled so 5-6 became suddenly free, so I actually cooked dinner, then church choir practice 7:30 to 9.
Thursday - kids didn't have school; rehearsal from 10-12, then back home to be with the kids (fit in some practicing). Gave flute lessons from 5:30 to 7:45.
Friday - Practiced in the am, volunteered at school 1:30 -3:30, to work for about an hour, then home to cook dinner. Hosted a small get together in the evening.
Today - soccer at 10:30-11:30, more soccer from 12:30-2, church hayride at 5.
Am I just being a big baby, or is that a lot of stuff to be doing? Seriously, I really wonder if everyone's life is that hectic. I suppose most people don't have so many evening activities, but being a musician, the nature of the beast is that we rehearse in the evenings. Thank goodness for my unbelievably supportive and understanding (non-musician) husband. I think if the tables were turned and HE was the one going out every night for rehearsals, I wouldn't have nearly the patience he does.
Truly, the only reason I've been able to make this music thing work at all is because of him. So on the rare occasion that he says "honey, maybe you're trying to do too much", I pay attention. I sure don't want to lose his support.