Friday, February 03, 2006

Hi, Remember Me?

It's only been, what, THREE months? Again, I fell prey to the "why would anyone want to hear about my pitiful life?" syndrome. Well, after thinking about it for a while, I decided that this is mostly for me, anyway, and anyone who feels inclined to take a peek once in a while. So, HI MOM & DAD!

On the kid front, everyone is doing great. L got his first-ever report card yesterday and was just beside himself. He gets that way about many things, but this was his very own REPORT CARD! I wasn't surprised. They don't get grades in Kindergarten, but his "marks" were very good. He's very advanced in math and reading. He needs to work on his comprehension a bit, but overall, he's doing great. M had a similarly impressive report card. Both of their teachers had very nice things to say about them. E, my struggling high-schooler, didn't fare so well, but there were definite signs of improvement. I'm afraid Harvard will not be in his future (oh, DARN!, say I in my most lock-jawed, Thurston Howell voice).

Our home is now in shambles as the renovation got going about 3 weeks ago. So far, so good, but of course it's not happening fast enough. I want it NOW! (my alias is Veruca Salt).

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