Friday, February 24, 2006

She's leaving us

Yesterday evening, M decided to be in her bitchy-princess mood, and decided she was NOT going to do her homework. Uh-uh, no way. Well, since I'm bigger than her, and can talk circles around any kind of kid-logic she throws at me, I eventually got her to sit down and do it. BUT, she announced that she was going to run away. I did my normal, "I'm sorry to hear that", and "we'll miss you", etc, but she stuck to her plan. Even after we kissed and made up, so to speak, she told Daddy at bedtime:

"Uh, Dad, I love you, but I'm still running away Saturday".
"Where are you going, M?"

(we have 10 acres, so "outside" can be quite a ways away)

"Where outside"?
"Out to those trees out there" (about 100 yds out behind the house)
"Well, be careful".
"I will, Dad".

When she got off the school bus today, she again pronounced her intent to run away tomorrow. Something tells me, though, that it will slip her mind. She has cheerleading in the morning, then straight to a friend's house to play, then home in the evening. It will be dark by then, we now have GIRL SCOUT COOKIES, and she'll see how good she's got it. I guarantee it.

But then again, she's a pretty darn stubborn little thing......


karin said...

oh, Laura ... I cannot wait to hear that update on the, ahem, relocation of the princess. ;o)

how funny ... but what exactly was the the crime that was so awful she needs to be away from it all?


do be sure and update tomorrow .....

Natalie said...

Laura, got your link off of Karin's blog - you've a great little spot here! I'm LOL that you put music before motherhood in your title, by the way. ;) Anyway, you've got a knack for writing and I'm looking forward to reading more of your stuff.