Thursday, February 09, 2006

Remember the Scene from "Marathon Man"...

..... where the dentist is "working" on Dustin Hoffman? Well, that's what I felt like this morning.

Not Dustin, either.
The wacko dentist.

L woke up this morning with a bottom tooth dangling from his mouth by the tiniest little strip of flesh. It was really bothering him; he wouldn't eat, and didn't want to go to school. So dh convinced him that we needed to pull it out, because it would hurt more if we didn't, and what if it came out at school and was lost?! Anyway, at the last minute, L changed his mind and wouldn't let daddy near his mouth. So, we basically had to tag team him, with me holding his arms, dh holding his head, M screaming "don't hurt my brother!", and L screaming bloody murder. It was.....HORRIBLE. If L isn't in therapy later in life over this, I will be. The tooth, however, came out very neatly, and quickly. After about 2 minutes of screaming (and hugs), L got over it and ate his breakfast and was showing off the tooth.

Meanwhile, all the construction guys working on our house probably called social services on us. It really sounded like we were torturing the child.

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